Greetings, I'm ShockDingo. I've been a voice actor for 13 years & been in several productions here & various indie games. If you need a voice for your project then I'm your man...a mechanical Dingo mask wearing man, but still a man of dependability!

Age 38, Male

Reploid janitor

A typical 21XX bar

Joined on 7/10/04

Exp Points:
5,223 / 5,380
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.40 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2y 1m

Shock-Dingo's News

Posted by Shock-Dingo - September 7th, 2020

Hello there, everyone!

The Neo-Geo jam has come and gone! It was a lot of fun, it filled me with nostalgia, and inspired me to throw together a little entry. I unfortunately didn't plan or manage my time well, so I rushed out a subpar entry. With the contest over, I felt it was a good time to re-tool and re-upload a more stable entry.

I added music and sound effects that were sorely missed from my original entry, fixed some visual errors and overall tried to up the quality. I hope that you'll give it another look! Let me know what you think, I'm always trying to improve so constructive criticism is appreciated!

I'm a sucker for sprite movies, so it was fun to make one.

I wish you all well, stay safe and have a great day!

Until the next time!




Posted by Shock-Dingo - November 21st, 2019

Greetings everyone, how are you all doing? I'm still alive and as usual I've been busy, busy busy!

First off, I just released my newest Street Fighter analysis video: G & Q: Fool's Gold!

This is a follow up to my video from last year, G & Q: The Golden Question. Last year's video was a pre-release analysis of Street Fighter's Punching President, G. This time around, I'm looking back at my points - was I on the money? Was I totally wrong? Take a look and see!

Another thing is that with his character story, I analyzed his connection to Rose and just what his assigned tarot card means for his character. I hope you enjoy this video, I put a lot of work into it and think it will interest even people with a passing interest in Street Fighter 5 and their breakout Abraham Lincoln wanna-be.

Speaking of videos, I want to address something.  I tend to post my videos on Youtube. I've been a member of Newgrounds since 2004 and was visiting before I formally made a membership here.  All of my past contributions have been voice acting related, mostly for animations and games as part of another creator’s work. I would sometimes submit things of my own by way of demos and fun test audio. but I do hope to change that soon and post more of my own content here.

One of the reasons I don't post videos like the Street Fighter ones was initially, I did my videos in a non-flash format, but also, I was afraid that analysis vids theme wouldn't fit on Newgrounds and it would be blammed, I ‘m going to try and take a chance soon and see what results are garnered from posting such vids here, but I am also developing a series that I was intending to post on NG as well.

I really want to interact more with Newgrounders and spend time here since NG is where I got my roots and it's still a fun place to hang around. I've mostly been watching and reviewing things, but I think it's hightime that I participate more.

Youtube was at a time, a stable alternate avenue for content creators, but as time goes on, the whole system becomes more and more unstable and fraught with problems. The newest problem is tied to COPPA - The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act from the FTC. It is basically stating that if a YouTuber's content is marketed towards kids or is deemed to be targeting kids and the content is seen as inappropriate, then users can be fined up to $42k! What makes this an issue is they're handing things over to their AI to undertake this measure... the same inaccurate AI that has resulted in so many demonetizing headaches and false content claim drama.

People are afraid due to the vague language used in the YouTube info packet, they fear that things like Pokemon spoofs or anything parodying cartoons may fall in the cross-hairs of this new YT scrutiny. For now, I'm taking a wait and see approach, but I want to be prepared and, like I said, I've neglected this site for too long, I want to participate in NG more that I have means of being more than a voice actor.

Here's hoping for more people to return or newly arrive at NG. This place has always been great and it'll stand the test of time. Whether YouTube gets it together or not, I want NG to continue to flourish and be a great and stable place for content creators to flourish.

I'm slowly going to try and upload old video content here and see if you all like it. Cheers and all the best!



Posted by Shock-Dingo - March 3rd, 2019

Hey Newgrounds, I've opened up personalized voice commissions!


Now. these wont replace what I normally do around these parts, I'm still open to voicing in unpaid and paid projects, but this is something more specific, quicker and smaller in scale.

Note: Please message me in pm either here or on the Ko-Fi link before purchasing a commission so we can discuss things.

Enough preamble, so what's on the menu?

For $5:

  • Are you a 2d / 3d artist hoping to practice lip syncing? I can record short audio for you to practice! (Also if you're testing fight scene choreography and need some dudes getting beaten up, offering quick taunts or dying, I can help out too!)

  • Do you stream on Twitch or elsewhere? Want some striking sounds to inform your viewers of a new subscriber or alert them of new donations? I got you covered!

  • Memorable Memos! Need a short, but dynamic reminder to study, outwit zombie quarterbacks from upstate, or pick up groceries? Ready to aid!

  • Ringtones! Sleeping through your morning alarm, how about getting a strange man yelling at you to rise and challenge the day with gusto?!

  • Many more options available! If you’re unsure if I’m down for a request, please just ask me in a pm here or on Twitter!

For the Deluxe $12:

  • AUDITORY ART! Have a few panels of a webcomic, a couple comic pages of your choosing, or want a piece of your art to soar with audio vitality? I can help! (Venom singing a few bars from “Maneater” probably sounds hilarious!)

Another thing I want to note is that I'm keeping these requests relatively short so I can produce them quickly and efficiently:

  • 2 sentences or 60 words max for now. If you have a bigger project in mind, you can pm me the details and we can work on something from there!

  • Also, this is for fun, let’s keep the subject matter light, okay? No callouts, politics, hate, drama or providing Skynet with a baseline voice to dominate humanity...please. I reserve the right to deny any request.

  • Please allow 1-2 days for delivery

For more information on the rules, restrictions, and procedure, feel free to check out my Ko-Fi link! Please read the rules before purchasing an order.

Samples of my voice are available below! Want more options or need questions answered, feel free to ask!



Posted by Shock-Dingo - February 24th, 2019

Hi everyone,

How's everyone's new year been treating them? I've been working on some personal and professional projects and unfortunately as a result I haven't been around here as much as I'd like to be, but I'm glad Newgrounds keeps growing and evolving. It's looking great with all these new changes!

Welcome Tumblr refugees! I hope you'll find NG to be a welcoming place, be you artist, writer, or something else! Speaking of changes, in a few weeks I'll be nearing my 14th year doing voice work! I owe so much to Newgrounds and the great collaborators I've had the pleasure of working with and learning from over the years!

My fellow voice acting peers helped educate, inspire and push me forward and I'd never be where I'm at now. I've had the chance to really challenge myself and take on roles that have gotten me out of my comfort zone as of late.

Several things will be coming in the year, but so far, this month has seen two charming indie game releases.

The first up is Wargroove! In it, I play the beloved ruler of the Cherrystone Kingdom, Mercival! If you like Advance Wars, be sure to check this one out! Available on Steam, the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and soon the PS4!


Next up is the visually stunning Eastshade! I play a rather unique Old Man, can you find me in the expansive world? This game puts you in the role of a wandering painter. Explore the world, fulfill a loved one's wish and learn more about your new home!

NG has done so much for me and I want to stick around more and contribute in any way I can. I'm still up for voice acting for paid and unpaid content and like in the old days I'll be leaving reviews of various projects. I'm open for commissions to if you're looking for something a bit more personal. I'll be making a post about that soon, so keep an eye out for that!

Cheers everyone, I'll see you around!



Posted by Shock-Dingo - August 27th, 2018

Just a small update, my Street Fight V analysis video, G & Q: The Golden Question is nearing 30,000 views!

  In other news, there's an exciting update to a game I was in recently, Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe is coming out!  


Support for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam!

  • A brand new character, the Undead, all charming, Ziggy!

  • Local split-screen multiplayer

  • Survival Mode!

  • Free Play Mode!

  • A nifty gallery for your viewing pleasure!

  • A variety of improvements including bug fixes, colour blind mode, and more!


    You can read more about what's new with me by checking out my homepage:

    Electric Voicebox Media


    Cheers and I'll see you all the next time!



    Posted by Shock-Dingo - July 8th, 2018

    Hey  everyone, it's your old buddy DockShingo!...wait...that's not right..ah, ShockDingo!

    Man, it's been a long time since I've been around. I've popped in here and there to check out some of the amazing projects and evolving look to the site.


    I've really missed this place. Why the long radio silence? Well, I've had some highs and lows for a while. I reached some new milestones in my life, tried to jump into a new field of work, that didn't work, kinda hit some rough patches, then things turned around, but at the cost of some free time.


    I'm still voice acting and have collaborated with some NG artists and some new clients and it's been pretty nice, it's given me a hunger for the old days.  I've also been working on creating my own content, some of it has been released and some of it is in a perpetual state of limbo because I'm kind of a perfectionist, but getting better at managing my time and finding ways to fight creative blocks. I really hope to post some stuff at NG someday and contribute more than just voice work.


    Some of my latest projects are related to Capcom fighting or beat 'em up games.  It's no secret I've been obsessed with Street Fighter. (I still have fond memories of the Street Fighter collab and treasure the minor role I had to play in it) I combined that love, my love of a good mystery and looked at the latest new character for Street Fighter V, the mysterious G. He seems to have a connection to my favourite SF 3rd strike character, Q, so I spent way too much time looking at every detail I could and found some similarities and differences for the duo. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, take a look below!


    Another Capcom related video was based on Capcom's ignored son...no not Mega Man, the good, pose-filled Captain Commando!  I mocked up a concept intro for a sequel that will never come.  I'm really proud of how it came together and was fueled for the potential of him being in Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, buuut that's a story for another day.  I really dig the character and feel he has a lot of potential, here's hoping someday!  (I really wanted to upload this to NG, but I can't remember how the policy on sprite movies has changed since I was last here).


    In the time I've been gone, I've seen places like Youtube change and it's...well not the most friendly place for content creators these days.  It's really solidified my view that NG has and will continue to be a home for truly great creative content without compromise.  There's a weird issue I've noticed though.  I've brought up Newgrounds to friends and colleagues, and they've heard of NG, loved it and visited it in years past, but for some reason so many people are surprised that it's still around.  I think that's a shame and I really want to get the word out.


    Anyways, that's enough blabbing for now.  I'm back and I can't wait to drink in all that I missed. I hope to work with some of you!  I don't have as much free time as I did in the past, but I'd love to collaborate again!


    Here's to NG! Cheers!


    Posted by Shock-Dingo - March 5th, 2015

    This week, (specifically yesterday) marks the 10th year since I first picked up a mic and started to seriously pursue voice acting.

    It started back when Rina-Chan had the first and original Voice Acting Club thread on the Newgrounds forum. I was in highschool on break and after I tried applying for a failed voice acting project on another forum weeks earlier, I did a google search which lead me back to Newgrounds (I had been away for a few years) and I signed up that afternoon.

    From then on, I got a chance to meet and collaborate with a variety of authors and other voice actors from Newgrounds and eventually other places online. I've been happy, been blessed, and hope to keep going forward and learning! Here's to the future!

    Posted by Shock-Dingo - February 26th, 2015

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if you're all familiar with Hyper Dragonball Z made by Team Z2, but check out the latest progress video featuring Freeza (voiced by me) fighting Majin Vegeta (voiced by RicePirate). You'll be glad you did.

    Watch this space for more!


    Posted by Shock-Dingo - February 14th, 2015

    Hey everyone! February's got several new offerings!

    First up is the newest entry in HadoukenDude's 4 Swords Misadventure series! Stop by, collect some medals and hear me as the cranky and the impossible-to-understand Oshus!

    Need a pickme up after that adventure full of questing? Grab a glass, pour some Tequila and bash in some Zombie skulls in IriySoft's Tequila Zombies 3! I'm Jeff, the charming President of Los Lobos MC!

    Waking up after a bender from blazing brutal Zombie Bashing? Well matey, you may need to slowly build yourself up and build up your knowledge with FlashChaz and Danish Goel's latest game, Age of Wonder: The Lost Scrolls!

    Have fun folks!

    Posted by Shock-Dingo - January 12th, 2015

    Hey everyone, how's the new year been treating you all?

    2014 had some ups and downs and several fun projects, but I'm hoping that 2015 will be a very productive year. I want to work on more projects, release more things and really plug in with the community. I also think I'll point to updates on Newgrounds and off of it, just to let you guys know I'm still doing stuff.

    If you want to see more of what I'm about, check out my main Youtube Page, or my Blogger home page.

    Until next time everyone!