I always love your animations, so it's no surprise that this turned out so good. I don't mind the wait at all, the quality demands it.
-Excellent animation all around, but I'm loving how dynamic the opening battle's chaos raged!
-It all just looks so good, I mean the staging, posing, aperture, hud designs, visual gags, like dang dude, you really have an eye for quality.
-The great voice acting and character development. I thought this was gonna be just some good ol fun, but I got that AND saw a real developing show here. I'm liking where this is going and wish you well on further development of the series. I really feel this is a keeper and is a level above your past work. I can see this going for quite a long time and continuously growing and evolving into a layered comedic, action bonanza. Cheers Harry, you and everyone involved did fantastic!